While trying to drum up ideas of how to get our name out there, my father in law, drawing on his work experience, suggested doing a press release. Press release?? That was my first reaction as well. I'd only really heard of them being used in PR, mainly from movies, and wasn't sure they were an actual thing, and surely not for sports associations.
Dubious as it sounded, he put one together and after some tag team editing, we sent it out to a local paper. Fully expecting nothing to come of it, it turns out that press releases are very much a real thing.
For the sake of suspense, I shall keep the name of the paper under wraps, but suffice it to say, Hobart Dodgeball will soon feature in a newspaper! We're expecting a guest at our Tuesday session on 5/10 from 7-8 pm for a photo op, so if you are around the city pop into the UTAS Unigym for some dodgeball and you may get your lovely face featured in the article.
Cheers to you Richard.
Hope to see you there :)