Hello again. I hope everyone had a lovely break. As life is returning to "normal", I think it's time announce that Hobart Dodgeball is gearing up to begin in 2022. We are currently discussing with our venues to establish an ongoing day/time for our 2 leagues with the specific details for each as follows...
UTAS Unigym Hobart Last year was heaps of fun, so we will continue to run this as a drop in event. I am still waiting to hear back regarding booking dates but we hope to start again at the beginning of February. UTAS Unigym has mandated the following: -Anyone attending a University of Tasmania Campus; including Unigym or UTAS Sports facilities who are 12 years and older, from 15th January 2022 will be required to be fully vaccinated or have a medical exemption. -Make sure you undertake a temperature check if using an indoor facility -Ensure all members, volunteers, spectators and others over the age of 16 years check in through the “Check in TAS App”
Dodges Ferry I have been trying all over the eastern shore to secure a spot in the evenings during the week to no avail. My hope is that when the new stadium facility opens in Sorell we can get in at the start and secure a good spot.
Until then, in order to continue running an event at this venue I need a bit of help from you. The ideal way to run it would be set teams with a set schedule. That of course requires some dedicated players to show up every week for 2-3 months. Therefore, if you wish for a league to be run in the area, I need at least 4 teams to register for our regular Sunday evening time slot. For a bit of motivation, this season there will be a $300 cash prize at the end for the top team and vouchers for 2nd and 3rd. So if you are interested, please register a team at hobartdodgeball.com.au/register. If we get enough teams to play, I will arrange a free come and try day so that you can make sure you enjoy it before committing to a season.
Hope to see you all soon and please stayed tuned for updates.
